A Dozen Things For Internet Marketing Success Part 1 of 2

Posted by Global Research Network

1. Research and Optimize Your Keywords
This is a sticky situation for most people beacuse they know nothing or almost nothing about SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Instead of targeting just your niche try investigating just what people are putting into the search engines when they think of your niche, you may be suprised at what you find. You will also find that using keywords that don't have that much competition can quickly move you up in the search engine rankings.

2. Create Landing Pages
If you're going to use landing pages you must remember one Golden Rule and that is Keep It Simple Stupid or K.I.S.S. Short, sweet, and to the point will make your landing pages more attractive to customers and give you a larger conversion rate. Your landing pages should also target different audiences if you have more than one product. For example if your business is in the fitness industry and you offer both weight gain and weight loss products you should have landing page for both products.

3. Create Business Profiles in Online Directories
When first starting your marketing projects you should create a business profile in as many online directories as possible. Make growing your business name online your first priority. Be sure to update these profiles as your business grows and changes. This will keep your business profiles consistent and your business information correct.

4. Buy Relevant Domains
In other words if your business name is BOBO you will want to create websites like bobo.com, bobo.net and bobo.org. The larger your company the more relevant domains you may want. If you are an international company I would suggest you buy them all. Nothing could be worst than someone messing with your brand name because you didn't buy a relevant domain name. You may also want to make a domain name for any new products you release with backlinks to your main site. Several relevant domain names will facilitate your company in tracking what gives you the most inbound traffic. Once you have this information you can repeat the process for your other domains.

5. Start a Blog
Write or hire someone to write creditable, informative, unique content for your blog. You'll find it's an easy way to establish your buiness online and most webhosting services will include a blog in one or more of their sales packages. Make sure you cover your industry-specific news, advancements, how to information if possible. Whatever you do don't make your blog a big sales and product information page. Also make sure you are archiving all of your blog post. By archiving your content unlike deleting it, you will be able to keep all of the inbound links you have built.

6. Don't Start PPC & Ad Words Campaigns
Starting an PPC or AdWords Campaign at the beginning of your marketing endeavours could easily start your company losing money investing in campaigns that need to be tested again and again to be truly successful. It is much wiser to be seen in organic search rather than in paid content early on.

Michael Murdock
Global Research Team

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