10 Tips For Money Making Website Content

Posted by Global Research Network

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Generate Laser Targeted Content For Your Potential Customers!

By The Dark Sage 25th May 2008

1. Create a FAQ page on your site of guest as well as customer questions and the answers you have provided them. Believe it or not FAQ pages are actually targeted content more often than not, because other people have the same exact questions, they just never ask.

2. Surveying your online guest as well as current customers should prove to be an priceless tool. I would suggest doing this anytime you see a drop in readership or income. Ask them what information they need and the type of articles or reports they would like to see released on your web site or published in your ebooks, e-zines and blogs.

3. Take part in chat rooms associated to your targeted audience. Keep an eye on what questions people are asking and ask other people what information they're interested in attaining. You won't believe how much information you can gain from this simple research technique.

4. Take part in bulletin boards related to your targeted audience or even start your own. People always leave questions for information they are seeking, which represents a very strong indicator as to what subject matter you should write about.

5. Analyze what information is being broadcast on television news, talk shows and naturally the internet. The information being discussed in these forums are typically hot current information topics and should not be overlooked as a source of content for your website.

6. Use free web content from one of the many sites now offering free targeted content, that includes articles, RSS feeds and video. This is a very easy way to keep your content fresh without a lot of hard work. It will also help keep your guest as well as your customers coming back to your site.

7. On a regular basis check your web site guest book and if you don't have one add one to your site now! The reason for doing this is that some people will occasionally ask questions or leave comments that will assist you during creation of more targeted readership content.

8. Use the different religious along with national holidays and special events to come up with more beneficial subject matter for your readers. You could relate your content to the different sports seasons, pedigree pet shows, computer expos or anything else your readers have shown an interest in.

9. Checkout internet bookstore's as well as neighborhood brick and mortar bookstore's best sellers list for subjects related to your niche. They happen to be a very good resource for obtaining valuable subject matter as well as ideas to write your own articles, newsletters and blogs.

10. Never relate your article, e-zine or blog to a current fad that's going on in your specific industry, because fads don't last and they are usually a rip-off in some way or another. Try and keep your topics unique to the industry, maybe you have noticed something that nobody else is talking about or found a fresh niche. The topic must be interesting to your target audience or you will be wasting your time.

Reprinted with permission from the author Michael C Murdock,

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