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By The Dark Sage
Underground Marketing Guru
Contributing Author, Global Research Team

Numerous Internet Marketers are creating more revenue from monetized content websites these days than they ever thought possible. Monetized content websites are merely respectable looking websites with specialized articles, reports, news and perhaps other specialized content on them, this means any blog can be a monetized content site. If you know how to use a what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) editor, and are able publish a short article (much like this one), or you already have a blog that just needs converting then you will be able to build a monetized content site.
Make no mistake about it monetized content sites do take a good amount of work to make and keep them profitable. This is also the fastest way to have a monetized content site up and running without any money out of pocket. After you design your blog all you need to do is get the word out about it by submitting it to the different directories and website indexes.
The method that the Pro's use to establish monetized content sites quickly is to employ RSS feeds, of which you can create your own or use one that someone else has created. Various "Newbie Internet Marketers" and a few veteran marketers as well are in opposition to employing RSS feeds for fresh content on their websites because of the duplication content filters the search engines use. Nevertheless, you can find the tools that you need online so that near matching or duplicate content is no longer an issue of any real concern.
Simply by arranging RSS feeds on your blog, you acquire instant relevant content. Using the internet you'll be able to begin searching for RSS feed niches on hundreds upon hundreds of subjects, and I'm sure you'll be able to find more than a few that are correlating with the niche you have chosen for your monetized content website. Please make certain that you don't just use the first RSS feed you find. There are several things that you must take into consideration when choosing an RSS feed.
Here is how the "Pros" begin developing a blog into a monetized content website effectively employing RSS feeds.
1. Pick your niche, and make it's something you already know quite a bit about. Try a niche on your favorite hobby or maybe your job or favorite sport. Another approach could be if you have a friend or relative that just won't be quiet about there hobby or past time, pump that person for all the information you can get. You could even make that person a partner in your internet business venture. All things considered you need to make your niche something easy for you to talk about as well as write about.
2. Use the internet to find multiple sources of RSS feeds by searching for RSS feed directories, article sites, and blogs. Make certain that you arrange to have the rights to apply the feed, or that the feed is free to use because some webmasters will not allow you to use the RSS feeds they have created. You can also make your own RSS feeds at sites like and gain more valuable information on how RSS feeds work and how to apply them. With RSS feeds from springwidgets you can have the RSS feed downloaded right to you desktop, so you don't have to go to the site every time you would like to view the feed.
3. Make it a point that you employ RSS feeds that will put relevant information on your monetized blog or monetized content site. You shouldn't want an RSS feed about "Repairing Cars" if your blog or content site is about "Cooking" this will just drive your visitors to another website. Be sure to check how often the RSS feed will refresh itself (hours, days, weeks, or months) and select a RSS feed with intervals and content that is appropriate for your web site. The shorter the intervals and the more relevant the information the more likely a visitor will return to check out the updated information on a regular basis.
4. Use the internet to find an RSS aggregator and turn the RSS feeds into script or html code so you will be able to place into your blog for instant content. Those scripts and html codes can be used to place your feeds on other sites as well. When building your site you might want to use a template to help you arrange your RSS feeds and banner ads so that they look professional and are properly spaced. It's also best to use a WYSIWYG site builder if at all possible, otherwise you will need to know html or someone that does. Bottom line is keeping it simple this goes for the beginner as well as the seasoned professional (but the pro already knows this).
5. If you build your site around the RSS feed content it then would be wise to add other resources and maybe some affiliate products or your own products to your website to help make it look professional as well as add more value for your guest. If you intend on using only RSS feeds (which I do not recommend, for newbie’s) you must monetize your site in some way with YPN, Google Adsense, and the other PPC networks. You could also use rotating banner ads, a pod cast or a videos on your site as extra content, again keep the content relevant. Also make sure you check the RSS feed for yourself and see if it performs to the standards you have set for you blog.
6. Promoting your blog is the final step; it is also the only perpetual step. If nobody knows you're out there the only visitors you'll have are people who unintentionally stumbled upon your blog while searching for another person’s blog or website, and that's exactly it literally no one else! Among the easiest ways to promote your blog is to use one or more of your blog post as articles and submit them to the different article indexes found online. Another immediate and effortless way to promote your blog is to submit it to the website directories as well, because it is a website! And as far as the search engines are concerned Google will crawl your blog in many cases faster than your website on an equivalent or exact same subject. The more you promote your blog the more potential visitors you will have and the more potential money you will make.
This information intended for the new and intermediate internet marketer and is to be used as a foundation for you to further your education on this subject. There's such a great deal more that you can learn on this subject, as well as some of the other options I mentioned in Step 5, and it's more of a foundation than I started out with.
I won't even begin to try and cover exactly how to do everything in detail here because there are whole books on the subject, as well as stage-by-stage video tutorials you can find online. Since I am not trying to make this article a mini ebook I would suggest you check out this site they have a step by step video that at the time I was writing this article was free, and it will demonstrate how to do everything I have mentioned above and than some.
There are also links to other resources, articles, industry news, software and more here on this site. I extremely urge that you employ this article as your foundation, afterward go get the free video tutorial (if it's still there). There are no drawbacks and it genuinely is a complimentary video tutorial. There's no better time to get started...than right now! Why are you still here go out there and get your blog converted or up and running as a monetized content site!
Well, I trust this article has given you some insight and enough of a starting foundation on how to create or convert your blogs into monetized content sites.

To Your Success
The Dark Sage

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